Aquaculture North America


40th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference

April 25 - April 28, 2023
Fortuna, California, USA Show map

In 2023, Salmonid Restoration Federation will produce the 40th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference in Fortuna, California. The first two days of the conference include technical workshops and field tours. Thursday begins with a half-day plenary session followed by 1.5 days of technical, biological, and policy-related concurrent sessions. This conference will focus on a broad range of salmonid and watershed restoration topics of concern to restoration practitioners, watershed scientists, fisheries biologists, resource agency personnel, and land-use planners.
  • Healthy Fire, Healthy Fish: Fates Intertwined, Strategies Aligned
  • Flow Enhancement Workshop
  • The Future Is Now: How To Use Practical Remote Sensing Tools To Gain New Perspectives In River Restoration And Watershed Assessment*
  • California Lamprey Considerations for People Restoring Streams Workshop and Field Tour
*Note: SRF is not accepting abstracts for instructor led workshops


  • Cooperative Restoration Partnerships in the Van Duzen River Watershed
  • Habitat Restoration Projects in the Lower Mattole River
  • Humboldt Bay Estuary Restoration Field Tour
  • Process-based Restoration & Effectiveness Monitoring in McGarvey Creek
  • Securing a Stronghold: Different Approaches for Design and Collaborative Process in Prairie Creek and Redwood Creek Restoration Projects
  • Changing Tides; Managing CDFW Lands for Marsh, Slough, and Dune Habitat in the Eel River Estuary
  • Large-scale Fisheries Habitat Restoration in Working Landscapes
  • Fish Passage Design and Implementation Lessons Learned
  • Modeling Salmonid Habitat: Stream State, Forest Conditions, and Future Climates
  • Approaches to Build Trust and Engage Our Diverse Communities
  • Riparian Corridors, the Link Between Upland and Instream Restoration
  • Evolving Policies and Tools to Advance Salmon Restoration: Flows, Cannabis, and Funding Opportunities
  • The Eel River: A River of Opportunity with Implications Beyond Its Basin
  • Cal-PBR Network: Process-based Restoration in a Changing Climate
  • Accelerating Restoration – New Tools to Get the Job Done
  • Please May I Get Upstream? Reintroducing Extirpated Salmon Runs Upstream of Dams
  • 20+ Years of Restoration on the Trinity River: What Have We Learned, and Where Do We Go From Here?
  • Planning and Evaluation of Dam Removal, Salmon Recovery, and Habitat Restoration
More information about this event