Aquaculture North America

Features Opinion
From the Editor: The future can be bright

April 23, 2024  By Jean Ko Din

An Algae Lab is among the state-of-the-art facilities at The Sound School in Connecticut, one of the state’s three public high schools that offer hands-on programs in marine science. (Photo: Isabel Chenoweth/SCSU)

North America’s aquaculture future is bright. This is what I’m learning from this issue, dedicated to Training & Education. 

In our cover story, Lynn Fantom writes about the variety of programs across the continent that are looking to inspire future generations to bring their passion and their enthusiasm into the industry. 

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you, dear reader, that the industry is hungry for young people to bring new life to it. I’ve talked to aquaculture employers across the continent who are struggling to grow their workforce so that they can take their business to the next level. I’ve talked to universities that cannot grow their aquaculture programs because student enrollment is slowing every year. I’ve also talked to communities where their skilled youth are not bringing their talents back to their hometowns and instead, pursuing more attractive careers in bigger city hubs. These are ongoing issues that need a collective focus. 

And so, it’s heartening to know that there are programs and initiatives out there that are trying to cultivate the new workforce. We read stories about how aquaculture is the fastest-growing food production sector, but if there are no workers to fill the demand, that growth will quickly come to a screeching halt. 


In the meantime, retention is also key. These pages celebrate passionate aquaculturists all the time! We write about how young industry leaders are making an impact in their own networks. We need to recognize them for their work, encourage the innovation that they bring, and support them in their own lofty aspirations. 

If not, we lose their talent to neighbours in other industries who can provide them with higher pay, better benefits and more career development opportunities. 

So, I encourage the industry to play to your strengths. The community spirit within the North American industry is unique. It cultivates a sense of belonging and purpose that many young people are craving. Keep that message in the forefront and make sure to share those stories with us. Email me at 

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