Aquaculture North America

Products News
Innovasea announces new acoustic telemetry system 

December 11, 2023  By Aquaculture North America staff

(Photo: Innovasea)

Technologically aquatic solutions company, Innovasea has announced that its new NexTrak R1 acoustic telemetry receiver is now available for pre-order.

The R1 is the first product in Innovasea’s new NexTrak line, an acoustic telemetry system that aims to usher in “a new era of science, collaboration and discovery for aquatic animal researchers.”

The press release from the company states that the product has done well in early field testing and given aquatic animal researchers a 40 percent greater range and double the detections compared to the previous technology.

“NexTrak was designed to provide researchers with deeper data sets so they could tackle new types of questions about animal behaviour,” said Mark Jollymore, Innovasea president. “We’ve been really pleased with how well the R1 receiver has performed in early deployments.”



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