Aquaculture North America

National Aquaculture Association hiring an executive director

July 15, 2024  By Aquaculture North America staff

The National Aquaculture Association (NAA) is hiring for the role of executive director.

In a job posting announcement, the NAA stated that the executive director will oversee the organization’s administration, programs, strategic plan and staff, as well as fundraising, marketing, and outreach. “The position works exclusively for and reports directly to, the president and board of directors,” NAA stated in the job announcement. 

The NAA encourages interested applicants to send in a cover letter, resume and an assessment of their knowledge of the scope and structure of U.S. aquaculture and the federal agencies, laws and regulations governing aquaculture to the attention of the Hiring Subcommittee at

The package will be reviewed by a subcommittee of the board of directors and the hiring subcommittee will conduct virtual and in-person interviews. 

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